Books That Will Change Your Life: 20 Life-Changing Books Everyone Should Read

Can a book change your life? Absolutely. While the term “life-changing” is going to mean different things to different people, there are definitely life-changing books that inspire most folks. Here’s some that everyone should read in their lifetime.

20 Life-Changing Books Everyone Should Read

What makes a book life-changing, anyway? It’s something that’s going to be highly subjective; not every book will change everyone’s life. It could be a provocative fiction story that resonates with you, or your life-changing book might be something in the self-help section.

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Here’s a variety of life-changing books that span different genres, subjects, and interests that will change your life:

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

You’ve probably been seeing this book everywhere, and there’s a reason it’s so popular right now. Sapiens covers the history of humankind from hunter-gatherers to modern society. But it’s not written like a history textbook; instead, each chapter is engaging, light, and relates to our lives today.

Read this if: You want more insight on the history of humans and how it relates to our future.

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Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

With its easy to digest format and actually useful information, Atomic Habits continues to be a bestseller since it came out in 2018. Changing a habit is more than willpower, and this book will help set you up for success.

Read this if: You need help starting or keeping up changes (big and small) in your life

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The Glass Castle: A Memoir

A true story, the Glass Castle is the memoir of Jeannette Walls’ turbulent childhood. When sober, her father would spend time with the children teaching them science and life skills, but when drinking it would turn to destruction. With her mother being a free spirit who couldn’t be burdened with raising a family, the children were forced to learn to care for themselves.

Read this if: You need an inspiring true story of traumatized children overcoming obstacles and sticking together.

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The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

While the subject of love and relationships may seem unhelpful for happy couples, books like this one stand the test of time because their usefulness stretches beyond trying to repair a relationship. You’ll get insight about yourself and your partner, family, friends, and children about how they experience affection and love, which may be different from you.

Read this if: You want to be better at understanding people around you or want the language to help describe to your partner how best to show you affection.

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Mastering the Art of French Cooking

How can cookbooks be life-changing books? Because according to Julia Child, “if you can read, you can cook.” If you’ve ever wanted to master more complex recipes or learn French cooking, this book has it all. Including tips for how to shop for French ingredients in American stores.

Read this if: Cooking intimidates you but you want to learn

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Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

Yes, we all need to make changes in our lives, but maybe it’s time you start being kind to yourself too. Whether you’re struggling with trauma, weight loss, work, parenting, or just life in general, psychologists are moving away from self-esteem and towards teaching self-compassion.

Read this if: You punish yourself, have a lot of self hate, or need to build your self-compassion.

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The Color Purple: A Novel

Set in rural Georgia during the early twentieth century, The Color Purple is about two Black sisters who were separated young and sent along to live very different lives. Now almost 40 years old, this book broke the silence on domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Read this if: You want an emotional story about sensitive topics, redemption, family, and love

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Thinking, Fast and Slow

This book challenges everything you believe about the way we think and our intuition. Instead of being overconfident or instinctive, we should instead practice slow thinking to help make better decisions.

Read this if: You want to take a better approach to decision making in business or your personal life

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Man’s Search for Meaning

A true classic, Man’s Search for Meaning is another one of those life-changing books that everyone should read. Based on Viktor E. Frankl’s real experiences during WWII in Nazi concentration camps, this book continues to inspire new generations to rise above suffering.

Read this if: You want a true story about a man overcoming even the most difficult obstacles, and the words of wisdom he shares to tackle your own

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Educated: A Memoir

This is another story that you’ll find in most people’s top books lists. It’s the true story of Tara Westover, who was raised by survivalists without stepping foot in a classroom until she was 17. From there she overcame huge obstacles to attend university – and what that means for her relationship with her family.

Read this if: You want a shocking insight into how some people live even in America, and how education can change a person’s life

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The Book Thief

Although technically young adult fiction, The Book Thief is a story that anyone (and everyone) can find something in. It follows the story of a young girl who, during Nazi Germany, finds comfort in one thing: reading. With the help of her foster father, the main character shares her stolen books with those around her.

Read this if: You want a life-changing book about the duality of Nazi Germany and how haunting humans can be

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What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

Written by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Perry, this book discusses how traumatic events in childhood affect us throughout our lives. By opening up and talking about the past, we can then work on healing in the present day.

Read this if: You or someone you’re close with has experienced trauma, especially during childhood

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One Hundred Years of Solitude

Spanning a century, One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of a family in the mythical town of Macondo. By exploring these generations, you’re left with a feeling of what’s important and profound (and what isn’t) in life.

Read this if: You’re looking for a life-changing work of fiction that focuses on family

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

What makes people do what you want them to? Influence and persuasion, of course. This book approaches both in a practical and ethical way, while delving into the psychology of persuasion.

Read this if: You want to understand how people make decisions from a scientific perspective

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What does it mean to be a woman today? Glennon Doyle’s Untamed isn’t a self-help book filled with fluff and fake inspiration, she actually challenges the pressures that modern women undergo to be “good” wives and mothers. You’ll learn to set boundaries, make peace with yourself, and live authentically.

Read this if: You’re unhappy with your life and need a wake-up call to what living really means

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How to win Friends & Influence People

You can’t have a list of life-changing books without this classic. How to Win Friends & Influence People has been helping people for over 60 years. Somehow the tips and principals in this book still hold up today.

Read this if: You want to make yourself more likeable and successful

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Where the Crawdads Sing

A coming of age story, Where the Crawdads Sing is about a girl who grows up in a marsh alone. When someone turns up dead, everyone blames “marsh girl.” The story gives perspective on what’s important in life, the value of kindness, and the beauty in this world.

Read this if: You need a captivating story about survival and nature

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The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

A self help and spiritual cornerstone, The Four Agreements is a code of conduct for our own behavior that’s meant to change our lives. This is one of those books that you really get what you need out of it, but the four principles are more about protecting yourself and living a happier life than anything else.

Read this if: You need some words of wisdom to help set up emotionally boundaries with other people

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The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream

A fairy tale for adults, this modern classic is about a shepherd boy who dreams of traveling the world in search of treasure. On his adventure, he discovers that the riches he finds more satisfying weren’t what he was looking for.

Read this if: You want an inspirational story about following your dreams, seizing opportunities, and finding happiness

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How to Be an Antiracist

It’s no longer enough for people to not be racist, but actively antiracist. This book helps change your thinking of how you help break down barriers not just people of color but those of different cultures, gender identities, and sexualities too.

Read this if: You want to better understand the real barriers to racial justice and what you can do about it

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The life-changing books you choose are going to depend on what you’re trying to change in your life. Maybe you need some inspiration or a how-to guide. The more you read, the more you’ll find out what you like. Try a variety of genres and literary styles, and see what small (or big) changes you can make!

14 of the most inspiring books that will change your life

Photo by Gunnar Ridderstrom

One of the reasons I pick up a book is to feel inspired and live life to the fullest.

Books have motivated me to make some of the biggest changes in my life… travelling alone, moving abroad (first to Spain, then Switzerland, and now Denmark), and starting my own business.

In this post, I’ve compiled the most inspiring books to change your life. Read these to inspire a fresh start in your life, find the courage to make big changes, and remind yourself that it’s never too late to transform your life.

Choose one of these motivating books to pick up first and think about the big changes you can make in your own life.

A lot can change in a year, let alone five or ten years. What will you do next in your life?

The most inspiring books about changing your life to read now

1. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand

Unbroken is one of the best non-fiction books of the last few years – and a moving testament to the resilience of the human mind, body, and spirit.

In boyhood, Louis Zamperini was a delinquent. As a teenager, he channeled his defiance into running, discovering a talent that carried him to the Berlin Olympics.

But when World War II began, the athlete became an airman, embarking on a journey that led to a doomed flight on a May afternoon in 1943 in which his Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific.

Surviving against the odds – and about to contend with even greater trials than the ocean – this cinematic page-turner shares the unimaginable story of how Zamperini was driven to the limits of human endurance and still found hope.

2. Think Big: Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want by Dr Grace Lordan

How would your life change if you started thinking bigger? If you dream bigger dreams, set bigger goals, and made bigger changes?

I recently read Think Big and loved how it inspired me to think bigger for my life. It also gave me a new spin on some of my philosophies and tools for dreaming up what I want in life.

3. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

At the stroke of midnight on her last day on earth, Nora finds herself transported to a library. There she is given the chance to undo her regrets and try out each of the other lives she might have lived.

Which leaves her with the all-important question: what is the best way to live?

The Midnight Library will inspire you to think about the decisions you make every day as well as your big-picture vision for life, but it will also help you to realise that you can’t do and be everything (because that’s impossible).

4. Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman

How do you actually want to spend your time here on earth? Four Thousand Weeks is one of the most inspiring books to help you answer that question – and one of the most readable non-fiction books I’ve read in the last few years.

I flew through it earlier in 2022 and covered it with notes and annotations. It’ll make you rethink your ideas of productivity and time management and dive into what it’s all ultimately for.

5. Atomic Habits by James Clear

This bestseller is a fantastic book about changing habits and making life changes not by force, but by adjusting how we think of ourselves and by introducing fail-proof systems.

If you haven’t read Atomic Habits yet, now is the best possible time to pick up a copy and let it inspire big changes in your life.

6. Playing Big by Tara Mohr

Playing Big is one of my top recommended books for women in their twenties and is a fantastic handbook for stepping up and being more you.

That doesn’t need to mean shouting or wearing a nice blazer: it can also mean quietly sharing more of your writing, ideas, and creations with gentle and graceful confidence.

You get to choose how you show up. What matters is that you do, whatever your own way looks like.

7. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

What makes life worth living? When Breath Becomes Air is an incredibly moving memoir about the beauty and fragility of life.

At the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade’s worth of training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.

One day he was a doctor treating the dying, and the next he was a patient coming to terms with the little time he had left.

On Reddit, TriathleteGB shared: “When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi put life into perspective more than anything else I’ve come across. It’s hard not to feel like you should get out and make the most of your opportunities after reading it.”

8. Bewildered by Laura Waters

Usually there’s a reason why someone would ditch their life and take off into the wild for five months. For Laura Waters, the author of this inspiring travel memoir, it was the implosion of a toxic relationship and a crippling bout of anxiety.

Armed with maps, a compass, and her life in a bag on her back, she set out to walk the untamed, stunning landscapes of the Te Araroa trail in New Zealand.

Unexpectedly facing the way alone, ahead of her were 3000 kilometres of raw, wild, and mountainous nature winding from the top of the North Island to the frosty tip of the South Island.

9. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

This is my go-to book for inspiring creativity. When I need inspiration, courage, or a kick in the butt, I pick up my copy of Big Magic or listen to the fantastic audiobook read by Liz Gilbert.

There’s some woo-woo to navigate, but that’s pretty easy to skip past if it’s not for you.

The main message of the book is that you are creative just by being a human. And you can create, be, and do so much during your lifetime. If someone else is doing the things you dream of, why can’t you?

On Reddit, tor_tellini shared: “If you’re a creative type, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert totally changed how I think about living as a creative person who wishes to do so much more stuff but never takes a step forward in my creative ideas and dreams.”

10. Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins

I didn’t think I’d like this book, but Can’t Hurt Me is one of the most inspiring and motivating books you can read when you feel stuck and want to change your life.

As a warning, there are definitely some parts of the book that verge on toxic masculinity, but overall it’s a good book for motivating you to transform your life fast, especially if there are some problems in your life that you have the power to change (even just partly).

11. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

I first read Meditations during one of the most anxious periods of my life, as a student studying for my degree in English Literature and Spanish at Exeter University.

I remember reading this classic inspiring book in a little coffee shop during the weekends, shortly before I found the courage to end a relationship, travel abroad alone for the first time, and then move to Switzerland.

This book – Marcus Aurelius’s private journal – is the first self-help book ever written, and it’s just as applicable today as it was two thousand years ago. Get your own copy and turn to it when you’re feeling lethargic, lost, sweating the small stuff, or lacking motivation.

12. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Brothers Karamazov is one of the best pieces of classic Russian literature you can read. That said, it’s actually a lot more readable than you might think. And it’s a really transformative book that can change the way you live your life.

On Reddit, JoNightshade shared that after reading The Brothers Karamazov, “[I] realized I was an Ivan, and I wanted to be Alyosha. Ditched grad school and went to China for a year to teach and become a part of the Real World.”

13. The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff

The Tao of Pooh is a soothing philosophical guide to living well. It’s a book that teaches Taoism through Winnie the Pooh, gently inspiring and guiding you to a whole new realm of thinking (or perhaps non-thinking).

Read this to find more peace and clarity – and admire the beauty and goodness of life that’s already around you, too.

14. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

I needed to read this book at the start of my twenties. Sure, it’s got a really cheesy title, but You Are a Badass gave me the push I needed to shake up my life (in my case, leaving a job that made me feel like crap and starting my own business).

I needed to hear that so much was in my power to change and that things could be different. I wasn’t stuck. I could dream up different directions for my life and work and actually make them happen.

Read this to overcome your self-doubt and remind yourself that you are capable of so much.

Complement these books about changing your life with the most inspiring books about fresh starts and the best self-help books to read when you can’t get to therapy.

Enjoy more from me

How Art Can Change Your Life

Enlightening, challenging, and informative, visual art can also be therapeutic, reducing anxiety and stress levels, and offering perspective on the challenges that we all face in our lives. How Art Can Change Your Life introduces readers to new ways of looking at a wide range of art. Through careful examination and explanation, author Susie Hodge investigates how engaging with art and drawing can help everyone feel more connected and inspired.

From Frida Kahlo confronting her anxieties to Henri Matisse embracing happiness, and from Louise Bourgeois conquering fear to Auguste Rodin finding hope, this book will show how you too can use art to work through difficult emotions and improve your mental state. All art can broaden knowledge, give enjoyment, and challenge our assumptions; but it can also help soothe, calm, enlighten, and uplift the mind and spirit. Even art that leaves us uncomfortable can still help us to think differently and give us new perspective.

In twelve chapters, readers will learn how art can dissipate anger, help to overcome sorrow, inspire self-reflection, as well as tackle other mental challenges. Artists have been conveying aspirations, feelings, ideas, and stories for thousands of years, and this book will help everyone “read” those messages with the goal of enriching their own emotional life through art.

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