10 Books to Help You Develop Mindful Habits

Feature photo: @ReadingForTheSeasons

In this roundup, we’ve put together a list of some of the best books out there on how to develop mindful habits. By developing mindful habits, we can live up to our full potential, gain success, and live more peaceful and happy lives. Mindful habits help us take control of our lives and be the person we want to be. From the wisdom of rocket scientists to the wise words of monks to an artist’s advice on developing a creative habit, the books below feature strategies from an array of perspectives and will have something for everyone.

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Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty was a committed monk who spent up to 8 hours a day meditating. Devoted to helping others find peace and happiness, he left his life as a monk to become a coach on well-being, purpose and mindfulness and he quickly became a social media sensation and successful podcast host. In his book, Shetty shares wisdom learned from his time as a monk that will help you learn how to overcome negative thoughts and habits. Shetty provides easy exercises we can all do to find the calmness within us, live our lives more intentionally, and create healthy habits that will allow to unlock our full potentials.

Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin

There’s a lot of expert advice out there about how to create better habits and it’s hard to know where to start. In Better than Before, Gretchen Rubin argues that before we can build new habits, we have to know ourselves and what method of new-habit formation will work for us. Rubin takes readers through different approaches to habit changing. She also provides readers with a framework to better understand themselves and the way they form habits so that they can leverage this to successful create new ones.

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The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma

The key to greatness starts at the beginning of the day, argues author Robin Sharma in his book The 5 AM Club. In this book, Sharma shows how just starting your day one hour earlier helps with developing mindful habits. He also explains how doing so will help you reduce stress, be more focused, exercise more creativity, and be more productive.

In her book, Valorie Burton explains how learning to think differently is the key to leading an empowered and successful life. She shows readers how to create new thought processes and develop better habits that will allow them to lead more productive and satisfying lives.

Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Ozan Varol

Rocket scientists turn the impossible, into the possible. In his book, former rocket scientist Ozan Varol intends to show readers how to do just that through the power of good thinking habits. Varol explains nine simple strategies readers can employ to lead more intentional lives. These are the same thought processes and strategies that scientists use to make the unsolvable solvable and to imagine the unimaginable. By utilizing these strategies, we can confront unfamiliar and challenging situations with ease and even use them to lift us to new levels of success.

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The Creative Habit: Learn In and Use It for Life by Twyla Tharp

Living our lives more creatively is all about intentionally making creativity a habit. By being more mindful of opportunities to add creativity into your life, we can leverage our creativity more efficiently to help us solve daily problems and to perform better, whether in the workplace or as artists. Packed with mindfulness habits you can cultivate to bring more creativity in your life, this book will also change the way you live.

Joy at Work by Marie Kondo and Scott Sonenshein

Clutter and mess at work slowly drains the joy out of what we do. Not just a messy workplace environment, but also, unnecessary emails, time-wasting meetings, and unnecessary tasks make the workplace cluttered. In Joy at Work, Kondo and Sonenshein show readers how to de-clutter their workspace to not just work more efficiently, but allow more space for joy.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

When people have trouble changing their habits, the problem often isn’t the person, but the system they’re using to try to change. In Atomic Habits, James Clear shows readers how adjusting small behaviors can lead to big change. By developing and changing small habits, people can change their lives easily and profoundly. Even better, Clear says that when readers use this method, bad habits will soon become impossible.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck

Known as one of the best books out there helping readers develop more mindful habits, Carol S. Dweck’s Mindset takes readers through the cutting-edge science and psychology behind our habits and though processes. By doing so, she identifies the difference between the thinking of people who are successful and people who are not. People who are successful often have a growth mindset: they believe abilities can be developed. They believe they can change. In her book, Dweck teaches readers how to change their mindset to live more successful and intention lives.

The Marshmallow Test: Why Self-Control Is the Engine of Success by Walter Mischel

Designer of the famous Marshmallow Test experiment, Walter Mischel takes readers through his theory on how mindfulness practice and self-control can improve success and happiness. He explains how self-control can be mastered and shows how self-control can be applied to every day circumstances and problems. This is a book that will change the way you think about yourself and others.

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How many self-help books do you have on your bookshelf? Whether you want to calm your anxiety, get a grip on your finances, increase your self-confidence or just change your way of thinking, there’s a book out there to help you do it.

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These great reads have already helped thousands of people – including several members of our HELLO! Online team - and have glowing five-star reviews. Swap an hour a day of mindless scrolling of social media for an hour with your nose stuck in one of these great books and we promise you’ll soon see a difference in your mindset. Top 20 self-help books out there right now…

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? by Dr Julie Smith

Cover blurb: "A must-have help book for optimising your mental health to help you stay resilient, no matter what life throws your way! 'In therapy, you learn about your mind works and how to use that to your advantage. In this book, I want to share those insights with the world so that everyone can make use of them in everyday life. A toolkit for staying resilient in hard times and optimising mental health every day.' Dr Julie Smith.

Top review: "The book is concise, informative and designed to be read and picked up when there are certain emotions we are finding difficult to tackle - how to recognise short term numbing processes and alleviate the negative thought/emotional biases we encounter when life deals us an unfair hand.... In my mid-40s I thought I would have it all figured out. It’s not the case at all and I’m reassured this book is going to help me identify where I could help myself better in future."

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life by Rosie Nafousi


Cover Blurb: "Written by self-development coach and 'Queen of Manifesting' Roxie Nafousi, this book is the essential guide to anyone and everyone wanting to feel more empowered in their lives. In just seven simple steps you can understand the true art of manifestation and create the life you have always dreamed of. Whether you want to attract your soulmate, land the perfect job, buy the home you have always wanted, or simply find more inner-peace and confidence, Manifest will teach you exactly how to get there."

Top review: "Roxie has written this book in a way that makes you feel like she’s sat next to you on the sofa drinking a cuppa and talking you through it all! There are 7 steps which are each clearly mapped out, peppered with some of Roxie’s own experiences, exercise and prompts that really make you assess what is it you really want out of your life.

"Manifest is truly a guide to a path which a lot of us haven’t allowed ourselves to explore whether it’s out of fear, lack of self-worth, self love or any other limiting self-beliefs we have. If I hadn’t followed these steps over the last 18 months or so and witnessed my own life align with my wildest dreams I wouldn’t have believed it but the proof is in the pudding or in this case, the book! Buy the book, do the work and watch your life transform itself."

The Rules of Thinking by Richard Templar


Cover Blurb: "We all envy the natural thinkers of this world. They have the best ideas, make the smartest decisions, are open minded and never indecisive. Is there something they know that the rest of us don't? Is it something we can all learn? The answer is a resounding yes. They know The Rules of Thinking. These Rules are the guiding principles that show you how to make wiser decisions, stop procrastinating, know when to compromise, avoid mistakes, find other options, think well with others, stop obsessing about things, keep your brain active, be more creative, and have happy, healthy thoughts. You'll be that person who knows their own mind – in every sense."

Top Review: "I personally really enjoyed this book, it’s simply written and displayed/printed yet discusses some deeper issues regarding how we deal and process our thoughts, touching on mindfulness, stoicism and memory techniques, it’s interesting and insightful."

The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

Cover Blurb: "Reflections on hope, survival and the messy miracle of being alive It is a strange paradox, that many of the clearest, most comforting life lessons are learned while we are at our lowest. But then we never think about food more than when we are hungry and we never think about life rafts more than when we are thrown overboard. The Comfort Book is a collection of consolations learned in hard times and suggestions for making the bad days better. Drawing on maxims, memoir and the inspirational lives of others, these meditations celebrate the ever-changing wonder of living. This is for when we need the wisdom of a friend or a reminder we can always nurture inner strength and hope, even in our busy world. A book of timeless comfort for modern minds."

Top Review: "This book is wonderful. It’s a light when you are feeling dark. It brings you clarity and makes sense of things that otherwise didn’t in your mind. It reminded me to treat myself with care and encourages me to look at things a whole lot differently which I think is important in this world today for your mental health."

Stop Overthinking by Nick Trenton

Cover blurb: "Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness. Don't get stuck in a never-ending thought loop. Stay present and keep your mind off things that don't matter, and never will. Break free of your self-imposed mental prison. Stop Overthinking is a book that understands where you’ve been through, the exhausting situation you’ve put yourself into, and how you lose your mind in the trap of anxiety and stress. Acclaimed author Nick Trenton will walk you through the obstacles with detailed and proven techniques to help you rewire your brain, control your thoughts, and change your mental habits. What’s more, the book will provide you with scientific approaches to completely change the way you think and feel about yourself by ending the vicious thought patterns.

Top review: "This is an exceptional book and excellently written. Has given insight into things I was not aware of and need to address. Have recommended to friends. Really good for giving the tools to change and improve and how to stop and think things through instead of regretting afterwards. My thanks to the author."

You Are Powerful by Becki Rabin

Cover Blurb: "The philosophy of manifestation can sometimes feel out of reach, but at its core are ten simple principles that will bring life-changing results to how you live, work, and thrive. With this short expert guide from Becki Rabin - empowerment coach, business mentor and founder of GETLIT inc - you will learn the basic principles of manifestation, how to banish 'self-sabotaging Susan', and the everyday exercises that will help you rise to your full potential. Discover the secret to self-empowerment and make your dreams reality."

Top Review: "Having always been curious in the idea of manifestation and how it works, but not really sure if I believed enough, so I thought I’d give this book a go. I am so pleased I did, it’s so much more than just manifestation, it’s about truly believing in yourself and making possibilities in life a reality. Through this book Becki helps you see past the fear, open you up to your full potential to light up and live a life you love (bye-bye lack of self-belief and that inner critic!!) This book guides you to trust and where to focus your energy - a must-read!"

Happy Planning by Charlotte Plain

Cover blurb: "Bring order amidst the chaos with this practical guide for those who like to prep (or maybe need a little more planning in their lives). Happy Planning will give you the tools you need to plan every aspect of your life, from the weekly shop, daily meal prep and general budgeting, right through to big occasions like weddings, parties and holidays. You’ll cut waste, save more and live better – a little plan goes a long way!

"Charlotte’s everyday approach has been so successful that she launched a business off the back of it, and is now sharing all of her practical and positive know-how. As well as her planning mantras and toolkit, each section of the book is dedicated to an area of life that benefits from planning and is packed with personal learning experiences, planning methods, tips and tricks, practical guidance and interactive elements. It’s simple, positive and practical planning that will lead to a healthier happier you."

Top review: "I only received this book today and couldn’t put it down! Absolutely loved it! Being a planner myself it reconfirmed some things, but for others sparked new ideas to put in place. I love how it covers everything from everyday life and food planning, to Christmas! Special events such as hen do and weddings to organising your finances. I think this is a book all houses should have. Perfect to pick up and out down for when you need it. I’ve even tagged certain parts for me to refer to again! Small and handy size, well written and relatable! Highly recommend and big thanks to Charlotte for such a wonderful book!"

Speak your Truth by Fearne Cotton


Cover Blurb: "After Radio and TV journalist Fearne Cotton faced two weeks of being unable to speak due to a possible throat operation, she began to think about other times her voice had gone unheard - as a young woman, as 'just the talent', as the foil to louder, more dominant figures. She found herself wondering, at what point do we internalise this message, and start silencing ourselves? When do we swallow down our authentic words to become pleasers and compromisers at the cost of our own happiness or wellbeing? Speak Your Truth dives into all the ways we learn to stay quiet for the wrong reasons, and explores how to find your voice, assert yourself and speak out with confidence. Brave, vulnerable and deeply personal, it shares Fearne's compelling story and helps you to shape your own."

Top review: "I absolutely love this book! Fearne’s style of writing always feels accessible and relatable, but I do feel this book is possibly her most honest yet! Without spoiling too much, Fearne explores how we may feel fear of speaking up, as well as how to remedy that and to manage any potential difficult responses as a result. The book is also full of mini self-reflection activities (and I like how Fearne completes these with us!). I’ll speak my truth now and can confirm that it’s definitely perfect lockdown reading... this book perfectly equips you for emerging from lockdown confident, assertive... and knowing your truth."

F***k being Humble: Why Self-Promotion isn’t a Dirty Word by Stefanie Sword-Williams

Cover Blurb: "We are constantly told that being humble is essential to our professional success. It's often seen as distasteful or arrogant to shout about our achievements. But in a modern workplace this advice seems ever-more obsolete. It's time to f*ck being humble. With simple exercises, steps and real-life examples, learn how to: Know what you stand for. Stop hiding (even when you don't realise you are). Fully realise the power of networking. Know your self-worth. Play the money game and win. Manage your emotions at work. Take action and establish the right time to make the leap. Keep the momentum you've generated going and maintain that elusive work-life balance. Get ready to start taking charge of your own success."

Top review: "I devoured this book in three weeks, eagerly underlining take-aways and action points to go back to. This is a book that you’ll keep on your shelf for years and continuously go back to when in need of inspiration or reminding of the badass that you are. No matter what gender, race, age you are and no matter what industry you are in this book is for you. It was actually reading this book on holiday last month that gave us the driving power to finally launch my own side hustle. So go read this, be inspired, start that side hustle and live your purpose."

Get Your Sh*t Together (A No F**ks Given Guide) by Sarah Knight

Cover blurb: “A New York Times bestseller. From the author of the bestselling book everyone is talking about, The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k. How to stop worrying about what you should do, so you can finish what you need to do and start doing what you want to do. Ever find yourself snowed under at the office - or even just glued to the sofa - when you really want to get out (for once), get to the gym (at last), and get started on that daunting dream project you're always putting off? Then it's time to get your sh*t together. In her first book, 'anti-guru' Sarah Knight introduced the joys of mental decluttering. This book takes you one stop further - organizing the f*cks you want and need to give to help you quit your day job and move abroad, balance work and fun - and save money while you're at it - or simply get out of the door for happy hour, every day.”

Top review: “I would recommend this book to everyone. I have used the advice in everyday life and work life. I have even coached my daughter who was having a complete meltdown about her final exams. I just said Get your sh*t together and make a plan of what you must do! Her tutors have noticed a difference. I love Sarah's writing style. Straight to the point. Just brilliant!”

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Real Life Money: An Honest Guide to Taking Control of your Finances by Clare Seal

Cover blurb: “Part memoir, part guide, Real Life Money takes the reader on a journey that can be adapted to their own pace and circumstances. It will cover everything from how to negotiate repayment terms with creditors and setting realistic budgets without punishing yourself, to dealing with money anxiety. The goal is not to get rich overnight, or to pay off debt at the expense of all of life's pleasures, but rather to gain an understanding of why we feel the way we do about money, and how we can use that to change our mindset and our finances for good.”

Top review: "Loved this book! I ordered because I thought it would be useful in general, rather than because it was needed, but it gave such an insight into the 'whys and hows' of spending and I really did relate to so much that I didn't even consider previously. Clare has not only provided great tips and advice on how to get on top of debt, but also how to recognise unhealthy spending habits and the psychology that sits alongside. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn about money... I've quoted the book and shared it with so many friends and they've found it really useful too!”

Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life and Let Go of your Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Cover Blurb: "Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Now, this beloved author shares her wisdom and unique understanding of creativity, shattering the perceptions of mystery and suffering that surround the process – and showing us all just how easy it can be. By sharing stories from her own life, as well as those from her friends and the people that have inspired her, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges us to embrace our curiosity, tackle what we most love and face down what we most fear. Whether you long to write a book, create art, cope with challenges at work, embark on a long-held dream, or simply to make your everyday life more vivid and rewarding, Big Magic will take you on a journey of exploration filled with wonder and unexpected joys."

Top review: "Just brilliant. Inspiring, I couldn't put it down. A must-read to anyone out there who has ideas but is afraid of making them happen."

Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life, by Katherine Ormerod

Cover blurb: “Do you ever obsess about your body? Do you lie awake at night, fretting about the state of your career? Does everyone else's life seem better than yours? Does it feel as if you'll never be good enough? Why Social Media is Ruining Your Life tackles head on the pressure cooker of comparison and unreachable levels of perfection that social media has created in our modern world. In this book, Katherine Ormerod meets the experts involved in curating, building and combating the most addictive digital force humankind has ever created. From global influencers - who collectively have over 10 million followers - to clinical psychologists, plastic surgeons and professors, Katherine uncovers how our relationship with social media has rewired our behavioural patterns, destroyed our confidence and shattered our attention spans.”

Top review: “Terrifyingly true. Wow! She hits the nail on the head. Some of the facts in this book are quite mind boggling. When you really think about it, social media isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Enjoyed reading this and would recommend it to others.”

The Discomfort Zone: How to Get What You Want by Living Fearlessly by Farrah Storr

Cover blurb: "When you explore your discomfort zone, you'll find that anything is possible. While it is human nature to shy away from things that are outside of our comfort zone, it is only by spending time in our discomfort zone that we can grow, and improve, and realise our full potential. Whether it's putting yourself forward for a new challenge, asking for difficult feedback, nailing a presentation or getting a dream job, in this book Farrah Storr shows how you have to push through what she calls "brief moments of discomfort" in order to get to where you need to be. Farrah describes these brief moments of discomfort as "like HIIT training for your life" - and shows how the more you force yourself into them, the easier it will get. This book is full of advice, practical exercises and examples both from Farrah's own life and career and from all sorts of other successful people, from athletes to entrepreneurs.”

Top review: “I was supposed to be saving this book for my holiday but after reading the introduction I couldn't put it down. Farrah's writing speaks to you in a way that other 'self-help' books don't. I use that term lightly because I think this book shouldn't be optional, anyone who wants to make something of themselves needs to read this book. It has inspired me and I'm positive it will inspire a lot of others. This book has given me an inner confidence that I didn't realise I possessed. If I could give it 7 stars I would!”

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How to Own the Room: Women and the Art of Brilliant Speaking by Viv Groskop

Cover blurb: “Most books about public speaking don't tell you what to do when you open your mouth and nothing comes out. And they don't tell you how to get over the anxiety about performance that most people naturally have. They don't tell you what to do in the moments when you are made, as a woman, to feel small. They don't tell you how to own the room. This book does. From the way Michelle Obama projects 'happy high status', and the power of J.K. Rowling's understated speaking style, to Virginia Woolf's leisurely pacing and Oprah Winfrey's mastery of inner conviction, what is it that our heroines do to make us sit up and listen - really listen - to their every word? And how can you achieve that impact in your own life? Here's how.”

Top review: “You might think that this book isn't relevant to you unless you regularly give speeches in public, but you would be wrong. This book explores why speeches that women throughout history have given are so relevant to our lives, and how we can use the same techniques. You might not ever think you need to "own a room" but what about when having a one to one with a tricky boss, when pitching an email to a new client, or when you are about to deliver a presentation to a board meeting... there are so many scenarios that you can put into practice what Viv talks about in this book.”

Think like a Monk by Jay Shetty

Cover blurb: “In this inspiring, empowering book, Shetty draws on his time as a monk in the Vedic tradition to show us how we can clear the roadblocks to our potential and power. Drawing on ancient wisdom and his own rich experiences in the ashram, Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us. The lessons monks learn are profound but often abstract. Shetty transforms them into advice and exercises we can all apply to reduce stress, improve focus, improve relationships, identify our hidden abilities, increase self-discipline and give the gifts we find in ourselves to the world. Shetty proves that everyone can and should think like a monk.”

Top review: “Omg! The best life guide book one can own, written beautifully with practical exercises on how to have monk-like mindset without becoming a monk! Example exercise--Count for a week how many times you CCC the cancers of the mind - Complain, Criticise, Compare and mind blown with the insights and how to conquer it. This is just an example of many many positive life conquering strategies that you will find in the book! Must buy - bedside keep forever!”

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Cover blurb: "Between life and death there is a library. When Nora Seed finds herself in the Midnight Library, she has a chance to make things right. Up until now, her life has been full of misery and regret. She feels she has let everyone down, including herself. But things are about to change. The books in the Midnight Library enable Nora to live as if she had done things differently. With the help of an old friend, she can now undo every one of her regrets as she tries to work out her perfect life. But things aren't always what she imagined they'd be, and soon her choices place the library and herself in extreme danger. Before time runs out, she must answer the ultimate question: what is the best way to live?”

Top review: “This book for me was amazing, outstanding, life-changing, powerful and thought-provoking. Honestly, have you ever felt so low you wanted to die? Then this book is for you. It will change your whole perspective on life. It has for me. It's taught me A LOT of life lessons and how I see my life. I actually have fallen in love with this book and I don't say that lightly. I don't want to ruin this for anyone but if you could view every possible outcome of your life would you? Would you ever be happy? Just wow. It's taught me to open my eyes, appreciate what I have not what I want. Life is life. Life is beautiful. I loved it all. I devoured it in a day.”

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

Cover blurb: "#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER - When we deny our stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending. Social scientist Brené Brown has ignited a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. Her pioneering work uncovered a profound truth: Vulnerability--the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome--is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy. But living a brave life is not always easy: We are, inevitably, going to stumble and fall. It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong. Walking into our stories of hurt can feel dangerous. But the process of regaining our footing in the midst of struggle is where our courage is tested and our values are forged. Our stories of struggle can be big ones, like the loss of a job or the end of a relationship, or smaller ones, like a conflict with a friend or colleague. Rising strong after a fall is how we cultivate wholeheartedness. It's the process that teaches us the most about who we are."

Top review: “A brilliant book for anyone going through tough life changes or loss ... I've bought it for two friends and have read all her books. They have changed my approach to parenting and also leadership, as well as how I live my life. Read them all.”

The Dry Challenge by Hilary Sheinbaum


Cover Blurb: "For many people, drinking a glass of beer or wine after work is a part of everyday life. But did you know taking a break from drinking (even for just a month!) has extreme benefits and can be incredibly life-changing? From losing weight, to saving money, to sleeping better at night, the overall health and mental gains of going dry for a month are endless. Offering friendly support and encouragement and filled with engaging activities to help you prepare –and complete – a full alcohol-free month, The Dry Challenge provides an easy step-by-step guide for completing your first Dry January, Sober October, or any other alcohol-free month. You’ll find plenty of booze-free activities from prompts to checklists to the best mocktail recipes around. From making a plan to sharing the news with friends and family (and what to do when someone tries to sabotage your boozeless journey) to getting back on track if you slip up and have a drink (or two), we got you covered."

Top Review: "Combining research, personal anecdotes and humor, The Dry Challenge is a guide for drinkers, light drinkers and non-drinkers for completing a month (or longer) without alcohol. Offering useful alternatives to “going out for a drink,” backed with research and life lessons, this book is a pleasure to read. Never preachy, always helpful, I found myself laughing at the author’s asides and eagerly turning the pages for more information. The interactive nature of the book is a great idea, allowing readers to not just read, but also actively participate in thinking about the content. The inclusion of recipes in the back for a variety of “mock tails” make this purchase even better. Side note: the hardcover is really nicely made and the publisher went all out in the printing quality."

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker


Cover Blurb: "Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong causal links to deficient sleep. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why its absence is so damaging to our health. Compared to the other basic drives in life - eating, drinking, and reproducing - the purpose of sleep remained elusive. Now, in this book, the first of its kind written by a scientific expert, Professor Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters. Looking at creatures from across the animal kingdom as well as major human studies, Why We Sleep delves in to everything from what really happens during REM sleep to how caffeine and alcohol affect sleep and why our sleep patterns change across a lifetime, transforming our appreciation of the extraordinary phenomenon that safeguards our existence."

Top Review: "This book has been eye-opening for me. Are there days when you don't have a clear mind? Are you sometimes forgetful? Are you sometimes less optimistic than you used to be? How patient are you? Do you sometimes feel dizzy? Do you have headaches? Why do you think that is? Are you having too much coffee? Are you having too little? Maybe you have high blood pressure? Well, there could be a much simpler explanation. You could be sleep deprived. Lots of people are and many don't even know. This book explains why we sleep, the positive effects of sleeping on your mind, body and health and the negative effects that not sleeping enough has on them. I really enjoyed this book. I am sleeping more now and I definitely feel a lot better, more clear-minded and energetic. I can now clearly understand the effect a few nights in a row of not sleeping enough have on me... and I can detect it and easily fix it by just going to bed earlier! Life-changing."

No Such Thing As Normal by Bryony Gordon


Cover Blurb: "From depression and anxiety to personality disorders, one in four of us experience mental health issues every year and, in these strange and unsettling times, more of us than ever are struggling to cope. In No Such Thing As Normal, Bryony offers sensible, practical advice, covering subjects such as sleep, addiction, worry, medication, self-image, boundary setting, therapy, learned behaviour, mindfulness and, of course - as the founder of Mental Health Mates - the power of walking and talking. She also strives to equip those in need of help with tools and information to get the best out of a poorly funded system that can be both frightening and overwhelming. The result is a lively, honest and direct guide to mental health that cuts through the Instagram-wellness bubble to talk about how each of us can feel stronger, better and just a little bit less alone."

Top Review: "As a huge Bryony Gordon fan I have been eagerly awaiting this book and it does not disappoint, in fact, I read it in 24 hours! Once again Bryony's honesty and passion for supporting others is so inspiring and it has changed my life. Since reading her books, I myself became a mental health mates walk leader which has changed my journey and that of many others. As a service user myself I have had lots of professional support (for which I am grateful), but what has actually changed my life is the introduction of peer support and books like Bryony's which have made me feel less alone and more understood. What I love about this book is the fact there is so much information on how and where to get help and support which is very much needed in the world right now. I will be forever grateful to Bryony for her ability to be so open and honest and for making me feel like I'm not the only person in the world who feels like this. I can't recommend this book enough, it has helped me put the right foot forward in what is going to be another challenging year."

Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven


Cover Blurb: "Make your bed to change the world... 'What starts here changes the world' was the university slogan that inspired William H. McRaven to take charge of the small things that could change his life... and even the world. Here McRaven shares the 10 life-changing principles he learned during his 37 years as a Navy SEAL. These 10 philosophies helped him to overcome challenges not only in his career but also throughout his life. What's more, anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves, and the world, for the better. Begin each day with a simple task, help one another you through life, respect everyone, know that your life won't be fair and that you will fail often."

Top Review: "If you are looking for a book that inspires you in all walks of life... a book that will give you the mental energy to get through situations in life which are tough to understand and get through... this is the book to read. I love the energy the book gives out. It's compassionate and strong, yet does not ignore what sometimes seems to be the 'easy way out'. The writer just gives you the strength and energy and wisdom that giving up is not really an option, and that there are always ways not to give up. He builds your mental strength just by reading about the examples and prepares your mind to want to try and adapt some of the strategies and thinking used and explained in this book."

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Top 13 Best Self Improvement Books to Win at Life (2022 Edition)

of 14 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey Who Moved my Cheese_ - Spencer Johnson You are a Badass - Jen Sincero The Man in the Mirror_ Solving the 24 Problems Men Face - Patrick M. Morley Get out of Your Own Way - Dr. Mark Goulston Self improvement book Can’t Hurt Me_ Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds - David Goggins Awaken the Giant Within - Tonny Robbins' self improvement book Beyond Mars and Venus - John Gray (self improvement book) Declutter Your Mind - S. J. Scott and Barrie Davenport How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie Atomic Habits_ An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones - James Clear Make Your Bed - Admiral William H. McRaven If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You Happy_ - Raj Raghunathan Self improvement books Top 13 Best Self Improvement Books to Win at Life (2022 Edition) Buy Now

We all want to be happy and win in this life, and self improvement books can be a vital catalyst for many such victories.

Self-help books contain precious nuggets penned by experts and people who love to share strategies that worked for them. You can glean wisdom from them to catapult you to your next level in life.

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Whether it’s a battle with depression, a marriage in the doldrums, parenting challenges, or a dilemma over a career choice. Name it. A therapeutic self-help book will prove almost as valuable as a life coach.

With so many books in print, choosing the right self-help book can be a problem added to the one you’re trying to solve. But don’t worry. We’ll help you navigate through the maze of multiple publications and offer you the finest selection of the best self improvement books for men and women alike.

How we picked the best self improvement books

Type in “the best self-help books” on Amazon. What do you get? Pages and pages of books promising to help you help yourself. At this point, you’re probably spoilt for choice. And rightly so. There are so many options to pick from, right?

Unfortunately, not all the options are great reads. Some are a collection of recycled information regurgitated in a non-inspiring way. Some promise but deliver air. And some are more demoralizing than they are empowering.

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Thankfully, we’re here to help you sift the wheat from the chaff.

Picking a self-improvement book depends on the problem you’re trying to solve. There are texts dedicated to solving money problems, others offer guidance on love matters and some speak on family issues among other areas. So before you make your purchase, ascertain that the self improvement book addresses your concerns.

Next, conduct a background check on the authors to verify their experience, background, or professional expertise on the subject matter. For instance, a book authoritatively promising to make you a millionaire, authored by a person reeling from bankruptcy should be a red flag.

Lastly, pick a book written in a style suitable for your consumption. Grasp a book whose content delivery is easy to understand, relatable, and the examples or principles applicable. Look out for content that’s actionable, fluff-free, and that has valuable reviews from an authentic audience.

Top Self Improvement Books

Here’s our list of the top 13 proven confidence boosters from some of the best self-help authors. Sit back, read and enjoy.

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This mind-opening book is based on research. Research that attempts at answering the time-honored question, if you’re smart, why aren’t you happy.

Raj analyzed his old MBA classmates’ lives fifteen years after their graduation to find out whether their academic success translated to career success. The results showed pretty little correlation between the two.

He went further to investigate whether career success led to “life success” or happiness. He discovered the relationship here was even more dismal. Hence begging the question, “Why are men so successful in business yet not happy?”

People generally presume that intelligent people are capable of making better decisions in life. Decisions that should lead to a happier life. But the reality, according to Raj’s findings, was proving otherwise.

He delves into seven common tendencies that successful people need to be wary of and proposes seven alternative habits they need to embrace.

The author concludes that generosity and appreciating uncertainty can go a long way in boosting your happiness. He also asserts that success rarely determines one’s level of happiness.

Get this self improvement book for fresh perspectives on how to enjoy a happier life today.

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The book sprung from a Texas University graduation speech that hit the social media scene like a wild bushfire.

Admiral Willian H. McRaven is a retired navy seal who makes a passionate argument drawn from accessible and relatable examples on the building blocks to a successful life.

He emphasizes how the little conquest through the mundane tasks of everyday life builds up to your holistic success.

The book’s approach is compassionate and realistic. He encourages you to conquer the little things, like making your bed, to step out in confidence on the path to success. The approach demystifies success as an unattainable ideal in the distant future making it accessible to everyone who dares to try.

The book lists 10 simple tasks that can change you and possibly impact the world. You can change the world one step at a time, with the first step at your bedside.

A good read for anyone seeking inspiration and victory in everyday life.

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Old habits die hard. But not so hard for James Clear.

In Atomic Habits, he draws a clear roadmap to breaking free from old habits and establishing a successful routine.

A proven expert in habit development, Clear employs scientific reality sprinkled with a generous amount of humor to help you understand how to break free from old habits.

He provides practical tips for breaking free from a toxic habit and how to adopt a more desirable habit.

Embracing a new mindset towards the habit you intend to obliterate from your life is crucial. Whether it’s the need to adopt a new diet, fitness routine, or to quit drinking or smoking, he proposes a better way at attaining a breakthrough.

His approach is both practical and persuasive.

It’s not that your goals are unattainable, or that you’re incapable of reaching your desired peak performance. It’s the system you’re using to reach them that needs fixing.

James Clear makes a compelling case for his strategy using an assortment of case studies from accomplished olympian sportsmen, global business magnates, successful comedians, and world-class physicians.

Read with caution; you might never be the same again.

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Dale Carnegie’s masterpiece How to Win Friends & Influence People has sold over 45 million copies since it was published in 1936. There must be a compelling case for the text to remain so popular ever since.

Carnegie’s main point is to be good to people and you’ll be likable and have influence over them. Sounds rather pedestrian. Doesn’t it?

He goes ahead to demonstrate how that actually works. That’s where the rubber meets the road. In this text that concentrates classical wisdom, Dale unlocks principles for creating influence and impact that seem hidden in plain sight. He encourages people not to criticize, condemn, or complain in order to be likable.

Dale furnishes you with 6 rules that will make people like you and 12 tips on making people follow your way of thinking. He then suggests 9 ways to influence people to do what you want them to do willingly.

By changing your habits, happier life at home, in the office, managing a team, in business, or politics is within reach.

Warren Buffet is one of the beneficiaries of Dale’s wisdom which he credits for success in his life and business.

Dale’s admonitions were brewed in the pot of real-life experience as a successful businessman. He was a proficient speaker and a prolific salesman.

This book is one of the greatest bestsellers of all time; a must-read.

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A masterpiece on how to dispel negative thinking and create room in your mind for positive vibes.

This book is best suited for those whose lives are typified by endless worrying. Scott and Barrie draw their reasoning from a scientific backdrop to conclude that your anxieties are offsprings of a cluttered mind.

The authors prescribe practical steps you can take to declutter your mind. You begin by focussing on those aspects of your life that deserve your attention; set your priorities right. You proceed to declutter your mind by waving off your mind those thoughts that do not warrant your concern.

The reason you’re bogged down in thought, worry, and stress is because the mind is cluttered with unnecessary items that need to be hurled over to the trash bag. By learning to apply these principles, you free up “free” space in your mind for inner peace. With such a mindset you can stay calm and make better decisions in life.

An essential resource to teach you how to eliminate the unnecessary mental load of worry and anxiety…together with its accompanying emotional consequences.

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“Beyond Mars and Venus” is John Gray’s follow-up book to his 1992 classical book on relationships, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. The book stands out as one of the best self improvement books ever written on relationships.

Although the mainstay of the book is romantic relationships, the understanding of how women and men uniquely communicate has found application in formal business communication.

Over time, relationships have evolved. The traditional definitions of men and women in relationships have undergone certain levels of change. This book by John Gray attempts to make updates on these changes.

Women are learning to optimize their masculine capabilities while men are also learning to tap into their feminine potential. These complexes bring with them fresh challenges as partners in a romantic relationship are no just seeking a “role mate” but a “soul mate”.

A man will learn the art of being better at romance while being more thoughtful and dependable to his partner.

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Tonny Robbins is a world-famous motivational speaker, author, coach, and philanthropist. He is a self-help master wizard.

Robbins has a way around provoking you to greatness. That’s why his books are hot cake. Wildly popular. Among the best self improvement books you could ever read.

The pages of this book are an invitation to greatness by calling you out from a slumber of mediocrity. A proven peak performance guru, and internationally sought speaker, Tonny demonstrates what you need to do to have the steering wheel over your emotions, finances, body, and relationships.

The techniques to unlocking the best that you can be are practical and effective. In this step-by-step guide, you will discover what you’re here for, and you’ll take charge of your life, and be an active participant in your destiny.

Take hold of life NOW.

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David Goggin’s very life is inspirational having come from a background of extreme poverty and painful abuse. He has emerged from the shadows to become a powerful motivational speaker and author who not only tells us it can be done but demonstrates how in this read that’s perhaps one of the best self-improvement books.

David is a bundle of endurance, resilience, and motivation. He’s a great marathoner and a retired navy seal. The virtues he exhibits seem contagious as you devour the contents of this inspirational book.

This book will shock you off any self-pity cocoon and stretch you up to overcome the limitations of a twisted-world.

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Deal a death blow to your self-limiting habits. Here’s the weapon.

Dr. Mark Goulston, a psychiatrist, and Philip Goldberg hand you actionable tips that have been tried and tested.

Through the pages of this self improvement book, they help you overcome 40 self-defeating behaviors and come out victorious. By tackling common issues that we all face on a day-to-day basis, the text is practical, relevant, and relatable.

Some of the vices that the book helps you confront include fear, procrastination, lethargy, self-pity, anger, guilt, obsession, rebellion, jealousy, and many more.

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This award-winning book has remained a timeless gem since it was first published in 1989. With over 4 million copies in print, it’s definitely an indispensable resource worth reading.

Drawing many of his lessons from Biblical references, Patrick M Morley urges men to have a look at themselves in the mirror with a view of fixing whatever areas fall short. As you look into the mirror and make amendments, you become a better man in the family and society.

Patrick zooms in on 24 specific problem areas for men. With insightful wisdom and practical tips, he helps men confront wide-ranging issues that are common landmines for men; finances, making choices, accountability, temperamental challenges, and handling broken relationships.

As you read this book, you’ll appreciate why it’s appeared on the bestseller list close to 20 times with over 4 million copies in print.

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Jen delivers this refreshing 27- chapter-guide spiced up with humor. As you get entertained, you’re getting made into this awesome person who takes charge of their lives.

The book digs deep touching on insecurities and their root causes.

Create the kind of life you’d like to live. Learn to embrace with humility the things that you can’t change while working on those things you’d rather not live with.

At the end of the day, the book, one of the best self improvement books in the market, will help you realize more personal success and satisfaction, as you boost your earnings. Who wouldn’t want that?

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A fun-filled golden-oldie with an interesting twist on managing change. Anyone going through any major change in life must have this book.

The simple story brings out profound revelation about change. It revolves around 4 characters living in a maze, which depicts our world. They’re busy chasing around for cheese to stay happy. The cheese is an equivalent of the daily necessities we seek after; money, power, relationships, job, status, and the like.

The gist of the story is based on their reaction when unanticipated changes deprive them of their cheeses. Profound lessons can be learned from their reactions to help us cope wi8th changes in our everyday lives.

The only thing that’s constant in our fast-paced world is change. The book provides an excellent lesson in change management.

Rather than dwell on the past, identify change and prepare for it so that you make the most out of it with less stress.

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A timeless classic by Stephen R. Covey buttressed on solid principles that have stood the test of time.

You’ll thank yourself for getting the insights propounded by Covey for confronting and solving personal and professional challenges.

The book centers on an inward quality that produces a positive habit. The focus is on increasing an individual’s effectiveness thus making them more successful in life.

Covey lays down seven habits that if well employed can propel any individual to success. The principles are: be proactive; begin with the end in mind; prioritizing first things first; embracing a win-win mindset; endeavoring to understand others first than to be understood; synergizing; sharpening the saw.

It’s a step after step roadmap to living a dignified life characterized by fairness and virtue.

Parting words

While merely reading a book cannot automatically change you and make your life better, the best self-improvement books have a way of stirring within you the urge to get up and take action to improve yourself.

Have you read any of these books that we’ve listed above? How did it impact your life? Share with us in the comment section below. And feel free to recommend any other great self-help book we may have missed on our list.

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