12 Books to Read Now if You Want to Improve Your Life in 2023

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The cliché of “finding yourself” always made no sense to me until I actually did. But finding out who you are and what makes you unique just scratches the surface. Discovering what makes me truly happy, the kind of people I want to surround myself with, and what motivates me to work hard has shaped who I am and what I will become. And a huge part of my journey has been reading self-improvement books. I mean, we gotta learn how to be our highest selves from someone else, right? It can be difficult to find the best self-improvement books that speak to you as every path to self-discovery is individual. The good news is we’ve done the homework for you and rounded up some of our favorites to get you started. Here’s to 2023—2022 has nothing on us.

Self-Growth Books: 15 Best Personal Development and Self- Improvement Books

Do you read self-growth books? Are you interested in personal development and self-improvement?

If so, that’s great, but the question is: which book to choose. There are probably tens of thousands of self-help, self-growth, and personal development books. From personal experiences to popular psychology, from improving your cognition and productivity to maintaining your relationships in a healthy manner: bookshelves of the 21st century are stuffed with authors intended to help each and every one of us with their insights, knowledge, or research results.

In order to help you make an informed decision, we’ve decided to share with you titles of books that made a positive impact on our lives. When we say “our” lives, we mean people from our team: the Intelligent Change team.

15 Best Self-Growth Books: Editor’s Choice

In the following paragraphs, you’ll have a chance to read a short synopsis of our favorite self-growth books. We’ll also share links to Amazon or other websites where you can get them. If you are more into audiobooks, we included Audible links as well.

Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow

The man every psychology student knows from their textbooks, the winner of the Nobel prize for the amazing research he conducted on decision making alone and with Amos Tversky, Daniel Kahneman is the founder of a new discipline:behavioral economics. He dedicated his life to studying the way our psychology and cognition affect our decision-making processes.

His research is very well known among the scientific community, as it inspired a myriad of future experiments and examinations of human cognition. What makes this man special is his effort to bring cognitive science to all of us, using the language and storytelling everyone can understand.

Thinking Fast and Slow is a book of prose where Kahneman explains how our thinking is split into two systems: one fast and one slow. The fast one is actually our hardwired instincts, the remnants of our evolutionary past. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to remove our hand off a burning stove, nor to run away when we notice danger. It’s like our subconscious, not-so-rational, but still efficient machine.

The other one is our evolutionary advantage. The self-reflexive, logical, deliberate path. The conscious path we have a lot of control over, however, it also calls for a lot of effort and concentration (which is why we tend to use it less often).

In his book, Kahneman explains in plain words how these two systems work, why and how the slow system sometimes fails us, and why we often don’t use the slow one properly.

He backs these explanations up with his mind-blowing experiment results, teaching us how to make rational, logic-based judgments and gain the most out of both systems.

Get your printed, kindle, or audio version now.

Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

If we had to choose a book everyone should read during their lifetime, it would be this one. We already praised this book in Finding Your Purpose in Life article, emphasizing its importance for personal development and growth.

After spending three years in brutal conditions of Nazi concentration camps, thinking that every day could be his last day, neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl explains in simple, at times even playful language, that the search for meaning lies at the core of every human being.

Thanks to his professional background, this book is more than a memoir about surviving Holocaust. It’s also a psychological investigation and the base for creating a new school of thought and therapy: logotherapy.

The bottom line of this book is that if we’re able to find meaning in life, we’ll be able to move forward even after experiencing the worst experiences imaginable to the human mind. Inspirational, life-changing and eye-opening book.

You can find this book in the printed, Kindle, or audio format.

Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens

Do you ever wonder how humans became what they are today? What are the exact differences between us and other animals? Why do we rule today's world?

In his best selling piece Sapiens, Yuval Noah Harari retells the history of our species, gives amazing insights and offers an in-depth perspective on our behavior, habits, emotions, relationships, etc. He explains how we got where we are now regarding animal exploitation, and why we aren’t happier than our ancestors.

Through the use of vivid and understandable language, Harari takes his readers on an unforgettable journey through the history of humankind. An absolute must-read.

Check out his website for more info and book purchase.

Shawn Achor, The Happiness Advantage

Most people think that happiness is achievable through hard work and professional and personal accomplishments that accompany it. That’s a kind of common wisdom, something our culture and society teach us. If you get a good job, achieve desired weight, or get a promotion, you’ll be happy.

As honest this motto is, have you ever wondered whether the other way around actually makes more sense?

Recent research in positive psychology has revealed that the backward formula is much more closer to the truth and that it is happiness that actually fuels success.

When we’re happy, positive, and open-minded, our brains become more susceptible to creativity, motivation, and inspiration. We become more productive, resilient to stress, and energetic.

This is what Shawn Achor’s book is all about. After spending more than a decade researching and lecturing about happiness at Harvard University, he decided to share the formula for reprogramming your brain that will lead you towards happiness and success.

If you want to find out about verified success principles, learn about the Tetris Effect of retraining our brains, or how to build a social support network, check out The Happiness Advantage book. After all, this book was the inspiration for creating The Five Minute Journal.

Available in all formats on Amazon.

Seth Godin, Linchpin

Seth Godin, the author we admire here at Intelligent Change, wrote one of the best self-growth books you’ll find on the market.

A traditional workplace used to have two teams of people: management and workforce. Today, there’s a third team: linchpins. Linchpins are people – artists as Godin calls them – who are indispensable, creative, innovative, and who resolve problems “outside the box.” They jump in when there’s no rule book or clear instruction, they create their own path.

Their role at the workplace is to do emotional work, to challenge fixed mindset and inspire their colleagues and customers, as they love doing their jobs. By giving 100% of themselves into it, they manage to turn their jobs into art.

These creatives are an essential part of every successful company. They have a lot to give, they come up with their own rules and play by them.

Linchpins are system-changers, and if the idea of being one inspires you, we strongly recommend you to read this book.

The book is available in all formats on Amazon.

David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Creativity

Do you ever wish someone could simply give you a step-by-step recipe for how to get things done no matter what?

Well, that’s what David Allen is offering in his book. A unique approach to productivity and time- management based on years of experience and experimentation.

People are rarely well-organized by nature. There are so many underlying processes responsible for our success or failure with time- management. In his book, David Allen shares with you all of the organizational tricks and perks that can help you get your things together on both personal and professional plans.

This book is truly special among self-growth books, as it gives you a 100% accurate, many times successfully tested step-by-step tips and guides on how to get a hold of your life. Getting Things Done is a serious time- management methodology, and you can even convince yourself by clicking on this link and visiting David Allen’s website.

Get your fresh hard copy or audiobook of David Allen’s masterpiece today.

Jack Canfield, The Success Principles

If you’re into self-help and self-growth books, you probably know Jack Canfield from his Chicken Soup for the Soulseries.

In this book, he shares with his readers 65 ways of achieving a transformation in life. If you want straight, direct tips on how to change your life, this is the right book.

Success principles the author mentions are pretty straightforward, and you might realize that you already knew many of them. Still, we believe it’s always good to remind ourselves of the things we know and see them in a different perspective.

Here are some of the examples of Jack Canfield’s success principles:

If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life.

You have control over only three things in your life—the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take (your behavior).

The only thing that will change your results is to change your behavior.

These principles may seem like common knowledge to most people, it’s good to go through them one more time and hear them in a rather elaborated form, mixed with real-life examples and logical explanations.

You can purchase the hard-copy version of this book, or listen to it on Audible.

Tim Ferriss, The Four-Hour Workweek

Tim Ferriss has been a rising star in the field of productivity, organization, influence, and digital labor for years now. What does he do?

Tim Ferriss spent the last 10 years of his life learning everything about the “new rich”, a whole subculture that’s abandoning the standard lifestyle and exchanging it for a digital career, mastering new skills, and creating mobile, luxury lifestyles.

If you’re interested in changing the status quo and dropping out from your 9-5 job, this is the book for you. Tim Ferris will teach you everything about pursuing a digital career, making the most out of the “digital nomad” lifestyle, starting your own business, and staying motivated.

Ferriss is an inspiring character, an advocate of productive habits and healthy lifestyle. Find out more about him in an article on blog, where he explains how he uses The Five Minute Journal to make the most out of it.

If you’re searching for a major change in your life, if you’re tired of being bossed around and want to start a career in dropshipping or affiliate marketing, gain more control of your working hours, location, and workload, then Tim Ferriss is the best person to consult.

Get your fresh printed copy of the book, or, if you prefer listening, there’s an audiobook available on Audible as well.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

When we say “flow”, you say…?

What’s your first association? Perfectly in-tune musical improvisation conducted by a couple of well-practiced musicians? A great conversation between friends or partners where two people are so in sync they finish each other’s sentences? Or maybe the feeling you get when you’re working on something and it’s flowing?

Whatever you’re thinking – you’re right. Hear it from one of the most important contemporary psychologists and a leading researcher in the field of positive psychology, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. After years and decades of scientific research, he decided to share his knowledge about productivity, happiness, self-control, creativity – everything the term “flow” encompasses – with a wider, non-professional audience.

Flow is a special state of mind, an optimal experience that can’t just happen to you. You need to prepare for that state, cultivate it, and defend. And how do you do that? By taking control over your inner world.

This book is not a typical self-help and personal growth piece of literature. It’s a half-philosophical half-scientifical work, based on real data and scientifically derived conclusions about happiness, content, productivity, and, most importantly, flow.

The book is available as paper-back on Amazon, as a second hand book, or as audio.

Tony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

For decades now, Tony Robbins has been one of the leading American authors, coaches, motivational speakers, and philanthropists. People know him from his infomercials, seminars, and self-growth books.

Awaken the Giant within is a book where Robbins explains how to take immediate control over your life: your mental, physical, emotional, and financial reality.

Over the years, Robbins has become an acknowledged expert in the field of psychology of change, and this book is a step-by-step program intended to teach his readers some of the fundamental laws of self-mastery. You will learn how to discover your purpose, how to take control over your life, and how to awaken and nurture the forces that will shape your future in a more positive and productive way.

The book is available on Amazon, SeconSale, and Audible.

Brene Brown, Daring Greatly

If you’re looking for a book to help you improve your personal traits and gain a better, deeper self-understanding, here’s the perfect piece for you.

In her influential book Daring Greatly, thought leader and researcher, Dr Brene. Brown encourages the readers to embrace and discover their vulnerability, imperfections, and a variety of emotions we experience daily.

This book focuses on one core idea: you can live a brave and courageous life by exploring your inner world and getting to know yourself better.

Each day we face a variety of risks and uncertainties. As Dr Brown says, we need to face these vulnerabilities and deal with them in order to “dare greatly.” What she means by this is that we need to challenge everything we know about vulnerability and transform it into our greatness, and this is exactly what she does in her book.

Whether it’s about a new relationship in life, an important job decision, or a complex family situation, it’s always important to reflect on our vulnerability and find courage to deal with it.

The book is available in all formats on Amazon.

David R. Hawkins, Letting Go

If you want to learn how to deal with and let go of emotions such as anger, resentment, pain, sorrow, uncertainty, guilt, who better to ask for advice than a clinical psychiatrist?

David R. Hawkins shares his knowledge and insights gained through many years of experience working with his clients and patients. Using a simple and understandable language, he takes the readers on a journey through depression, guilt, shame, but also love, courage and personal growth.

The book is filled with anecdotes, personal or professional examples, and descriptions of different states of being.

If you’re ready to explore different sides of your psyche, learn from it, transform them into growth, and align with your inner self, then this book is the perfect choice.

It’s available on Amazon in audible, hard-copy, and Kindle format.

Susan Cain, Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking

Sometimes, being the loudest one to communicate their ideas, seeking constant contact with other people, telling jokes, or being at the center of attention in a social group isn’t what everybody enjoys.

In this book, Susan Cain sheds new light on introversion. She reveals how many introverts have achieved success in their life, even if it means reaching the position of authority and being a “people person”.

If you’re tired of feeling like there’s something wrong with you, or that you should somehow change your personality to fit in the society, this is the book you need to read. It will help you understand why you act the way you do and how to utilize your strong sides to move forward.

It would also be good for extroverts to read this book and get a better understanding of how introverts live, think and feel in this world.

Get your hard copy or audio version today.

John C. Maxwell, Failing Forward

You know what differentiates a person with a growth mindset from a person with a fixed mindset?

Among many other things, is their approach to mistakes. Living a life without making mistakes is already an impossible sentence, as we all make them sooner or later.

However, failures and mistakes are not what matters, per se. It’s our approach to them. Are we going to give up or can we use our mistake as a valuable lesson necessary for future improvement?

In his book, John C. Maxwell teaches his readers to treat mistakes and failures as stepping stones to success. The more you fail, the bigger the odds that you’ll make it next time.

And because persistence is not our natural reaction to failure, we need to be reminded of this.

The book is available in print, Kindle, and audio format.

Col. Chris Hadfield, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth

When we were kids, many of us dreamt about becoming astronauts. But little did we know about the unconventional philosophy one has to build and live in order to succeed in such a quest.

If you want to enjoy one of the best self-growth books ever written, along with amazing space stories, take it from this inspiring man.

Colonel Chris Hadfield spent more than 4000 hours in space. During that time he experienced unexpected situations we only expect to see in movies: breaking into a Space Station only with a Swiss knife, being temporarily blinded while holding onto the exterior of a spacecraft, or getting familiar with a snake while piloting a plane.

This inspiring man reveals the strange philosophy that he learned at NASA: being ready for the worst to happen in any given moment and enjoying it to the fullest.

Through humoristic and reflective stories about everything he’s been through, one of the most accomplished astronauts in history shares valuable lessons about life every adventurer would enjoy.

The book is available in printed and Kindle format.

Final Word

Thank you for reading this review on the best self-growth books of our choice. Since a variety of people with different characters, personality traits, vocations, and general interests were involved in writing this article, we’re confident that everyone can find something for themselves. From business oriented self-growth books to science-based factual knowledge on how to improve your lifestyle, find purpose and unleash your full potential.

30+ Best Self-Help Books to Read in 2023

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Get ready to level up by diving into some of my favorite self-help book recommendations that will help you make big changes in your life.

Why Read Self-Help Books?

The New Year is upon us, but that doesn’t mean you show make self-improvement your New Year’s Resolution. Instead, try to make small incremental changes throughout the year when there is less pressure to do so.

This is where self-help books shine. Self-help books can help guide you as you seek to make changes to your day-to-day life while giving you the freedom to make those changes at your own pace.

If you are ready to start making changes, here are 30 of the best self-help books that you need to read in 2023!

What Are Self-Help Books?

Self-help books generally try to provide steps that the reader can take to help them reach a specific outcome or expectation.

Whereas, personal development books help you develop personal skills or habits that can be beneficial when trying to advance personally or professionally.

If you have personal problems or weaknesses that you are interested in improving, then self-help books may be something to consider. Self-help books have the power to give you insights, information, and instructions on how to improve your life, thinking, or circumstances.

Many self-help books offer strategies that the author has personally used to improve their lives, while others are based on research and scientific inquiry.

Do Self-Help Books Actually Work?

Well, yes, and no. No self-help book is ever going to be able to give you the self-improvement you crave if you’re not willing to do the work.

Self-help books can give you the tools to improve your life, but you are not going to see results unless you take the time and make an effort to apply the principles and lessons that these books teach you.

The 30 Best Self-Help Books to Read in 2023

This list of 30 self-help books features a variety of books that will help you reflect on your life and make big changes.

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Big Magic By Elizabeth Gilbert

One of my favorite self-help books of all time is Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is the incredible story of how ideas float around in the world trying to find just the right person. She shares some of her most intimate experiences with magic, creativity, and living a fulfilling life. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read, including; entrepreneurs, parents, educators, and just about everyone else.

The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up By Marie Kondo

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing is one of the most life-changing self-help books I have ever read. This book really altered my mindset around stuff! Decluttering can truly be an exciting experience if you have Marie Kondo’s wise words to live by. This book is the foundation of the incredibly popular Konmari Method!

Sale 28,305 Reviews The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing This #1 New York Times best-selling guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for simplifying,...

Despite constant efforts to declutter your home, do papers still accumulate like snowdrifts and clothes pile up like a tangled mess of noodles?

Hardcover Book

Marie Kondō (Author)

The Little Book of Big Lies: A Journey into Inner Fitness By Tina Lifford

If you like story-driven life lessons then this raw and incredibly illuminating book by Tina Lifford is perfect for you. This book has 14 personal stories from Lifford that will help you change the way you see not only the world but yourself. This book will help you change your perception and build the life you want.

The Power of Self-Discipline By Brian Tracy

Are you struggling to get past the same lame excuses day after day that is keeping you from achieving your dreams and goals? Your problem might be a lack of self-discipline or your willingness to do what you have to do even when you don’t feel like it. Brian Tracy has packed this book full of activities and exercises to prompt you to make the changes to get out of your comfort zone and reach your personal goals, business and money goals, and overall happiness.

Sale 2,740 Reviews No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline Written by a powerful motivator and an expert business coach, the facts and information contained in this book are invaluable, and they have influenced the lives of many

Comes in safe and secure packaging

It is made up of premium quality material.

Tracy, Brian (Author)

You Are A Badass By Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero is blunt and to the point in her motivating self-help book, You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live an Awesome Life. This book has many practical strategies that you can start using today. Follow the steps in this book to manifest a more exciting and meaningful life. Do you want to make more money, find a life partner, or go on more adventures? If yes, Jen Sincero will remind you that it is all possible!

How To Win Friends And Influence People By Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People is a bit older but still relevant. Are you struggling to maintain friendships or hoping to develop more meaningful connections? If yes, this book is for you.

Sale 81,897 Reviews How to Win Friends & Influence People How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie 1998 Paperback New

Brand New

Officially Licensed

Dale Carnegie (Author)

The Four Hour Workweek By Tim Ferriss

The Four Hour Workweek is for the aspiring entrepreneur who is ready to dive in and make some serious changes to his or her life. Are you ready to make money and change your lifestyle? Tim Ferriss will help you “escape the 9-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich.” This book holds a lot of information. Plan to take it slow and implement as you go.

Radically Happy By Phakchok Rinpoche

Happiness means something different to everyone. Many want to feel excitement and enthusiasm regularly, while others want to find a sense of contentment with what they already have. Radically Happy will support you in becoming more mindful through meditation. This book presents personal narratives and scientific studies that will teach you to begin to experience how living in the present moment and shifting your perspective slightly can create radical happiness in your life.

The Friendship Formula: Add Great Friends, Subtract Toxic People and Multiply Your Happiness By Caroline Millington

Everyone has toxic people in their lives, but what would your world be like if they were no longer around? The Friendship Formula will help you identify your true friendships, and navigate the people in your life. Take back control of your relationships and multiply your happiness with this book!

Eat that Frog! By Brian Tracy

“There’s an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’re done with the worst thing you’ll have to do all day. For Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task—but also the one that can have the greatest positive impact on your life. Eat That Frog!” If you struggle to complete dreaded tasks on your to-do list each day, then this classic self-help book is for you!

100 Days To Brave By Annie Downs

If you are looking for light daily reading, then 100 Days to Brave may be a good place to kickstart a more courageous new year. Annie Downs shares personal stories and short devotions that will help you work through your fears and become a braver you. Who doesn’t need a little more courage in their life?

Daring Greatly By Brené Brown

Brené Brown has spent years researching vulnerability and shame. She shares her findings for the good of humanity in her best-selling book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Get practical strategies to help you work through shame when it comes up in life so that you can live a more joy-filled existence.

The Universe Has Your Back By Gabrielle Bernstein

Faith and optimism are two of the key components that will lead to real change in your life. You truly have to believe that change is possible, and Gabrielle Bernstein will make you believe. The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith will help you to get rid of emotional blocks and improve your mindset so that you can start living a happier and more purposeful life.

Finding Your Own North Star By Martha Beck

Want help figuring out what to do with this one wild and free life? Consider reading one of Martha Beck’s self-help books. She is a believer in magic, life coaching, science, and the importance of having fun. Martha Beck writes stories that are funny yet extremely helpful. Finding Your Own North Star: Claiming the Life You Were Meant to Live will help you find your path through the maze so that you can make your dreams come true.

Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking By S.J. Scott

Minimalism is all the rage, and everyone is focused on how to declutter their homes and their lives. But have you taken the time to think of how to Declutter Your Mind? This fantastic book from S.J. Scott will help you identify what is causing your mental clutter and help you develop a strategy to declutter your mind.

The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying By Bonnie Ware

If you are searching for a deeply sentimental and touching story that will give you the desire to change your life while you still have time, consider Bonnie Ware’s book, The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departed. In this book, the author shares her experience working with those nearing death to help you understand that anything is possible if you make choices that align with your values.

The Happiness Advantage By Shawn Anchor

The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life is bursting with interesting research about how you can live a happier life starting today. Shawn Achor shares the psychology behind happiness. Are you interested in learning how to be happier with your current situation?

Switch By Chip Heath

I read Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard a few years back, and then I recently re-read this interesting book. Switch is a fascinating book. Chip Heath shares research-based information that will help you make big changes in your life.

Radical Acceptance By Tara Brach

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or mental illness and are hoping to work toward a more peaceful state of mind, then Tara Brach’s book Radical Acceptance may be for you. This book will help you heal with the help of a little self-compassion. Find purposeful living, less suffering, and peace through mindfulness.

Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” James Clear breaks down how we form habits and why they eventually lead to extraordinary results later in life, for better or worse. He believes that sizeable changes in life do not come from large decisions made overnight, but rather from small choices we make every day. If you need motivation to change your habits and begin moving in a positive direction, this book is for you.

Practice You: A Journal By Elena Brower

If you have an eye for art and enjoy journaling, then you should consider picking up a copy of Practice You. This journal guides you step-by-step on your path to enlightenment. The author guides you to reflect on your life by gently prompting you to jot down your thoughts, wisdom, and goals. Helping you to gain clarity and live your best life. The Practice You self-help journal is used in treatment centers globally to help people who are working through challenging times.

Everything Is Figureoutable By Marie Forleo

Everything Is Figureoutable by New York Time’s bestselling author Marie Forleo is the perfect read for anyone looking to expand their business or chase that passion project in their life. The book will give you the tools you need to tackle just about any problem in your personal or professional life. Marie Forleo has built a massive digital media empire, and she will help you retrain your brain to focus on the positive, and accomplish your goals.

Don’t Keep Your Day Job By Cathy Heller

Don’t Keep Your Day Job: How to Turn Your Passion Into A Career will help you create a vision for monetizing your favorite activities, whether that be baking, writing, or jewelry making so that you can live a life filled with purpose.

Change Your Schedule, Change Your Life By Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar

If you are interested in learning about Ayurvedic wisdom, this book will help you effortlessly lose weight, sleep better, exercise stronger, reduce stress, and boost your wellbeing. This self-help book is based on harnessing the power of chronobiology to help you create a daily schedule that compliments your mind-body type.

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing By Daniel Pink

Have you ever wondered why you struggle with completing certain tasks at certain times of the day; When will help you understand why. The author, Daniel Pink, will guide you to understand your chronotype or your pattern of circadian rhythms. Knowing this information about yourself will give you insights about when to complete certain types of tasks, like exercise, email, or work that requires focus. Learn to carefully consider how to plan your day with this fascinating book.

The Third Door By Alex Banayan

The Third Door by Alex Banayan is what he calls “the wild quest to uncover how the world’s most successful people launched their careers.” This book is packed with exciting tales of some of the most effective people in the world. Alex’s ability to tell stories masterfully combined with his willingness to share his personal journey will inspire you to find your third door and take action to make changes in your life.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Where most self-improvement books focus on thinking positively or pushing you towards success at the speed of light, Mark Manson encourages us to let go of the things that don’t serve us and focus on solving the problems that matter the most on an individual level. We are responsible for our happiness; therefore, we are responsible for focusing on which battles are worth fighting for. This book is a very laid-back self-help read.

Raise Your Hand By Alice Tapper

Seeking an inspiring children’s story for your daughter or young woman in your life? Then Raise Your Hand is for you! Many women, young and old, can relate to the feeling of sitting in a group of people knowing what to say but lacking the self-confidence to share your brilliant ideas with the world. This picture book illustrates determination, bravery, and an unwillingness to accept the status quo to remind your female loved ones that the world needs her words!

Sale 587 Reviews Raise Your Hand Hardcover Book

Tapper, Alice Paul (Author)

English (Publication Language)

32 Pages - 03/26/2019 (Publication Date) - Penguin Workshop (Publisher)

Joy Diet By Martha Beck

Learning to be happy with your current circumstances can be challenging. However, acceptance and gratitude are often what lead us to make breakthroughs and big changes in our lives. If you are curious about how to start living a joyful life starting today, then you should consider curling up with a copy of Martha Becks’ menu of ten behaviors you can add to your way of living. That will help you discover ways to enhance your everyday journey by getting on the Joy Diet.

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, & Body in the Healing of Trauma By Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk

Nearly every person has been through a traumatic event in their life. This could be anything from a divorce, death of a loved one, or a car accident. While it may seem like you grieved this event and then moved on, this is generally not the case. Research shows that when trauma happens, we often carry the aftermath of it with us for years to come. In The Body Keep’s Score, you will learn how to forge a path to recovery by activating your brain’s natural neuroplasticity so that you can work toward a stronger sense of well-being.

The Alter Ego Effect By Todd Herman

My personal favorite! If you are ready to make a massive shift in your life, but you have no clue where to begin, then The Alter Ego Effect is a must-read for you! Todd Herman will teach you step-by-step how to move out of your way and perform at your peak. With your new activation token in hand, you will learn how to ignite the best version of yourself using the same secret activation techniques used by many top athletes and executives.

Year of Yes: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person By Shonda Rhimes

The Year of Yes by the creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, Shonda Rhimes, shows you exactly how, a self-proclaimed introvert, went on to be the creator of some of the most groundbreaking TV shows. This beautifully written New York Times bestseller will show you that despite the fear, it’s always worth it to try something new.

Which Self-Help Book Will You Read?

Do you plan to spend the year working on self-love, getting motivated, or decluttering your home? Either way, anything you do with good intentions will likely have a dramatic impact on your life!

Which of these self-improvement books will help you set the tone for your best year yet?

Make 2023 Your Year of Creativity Articles are great and all, but you know what’s better? A 100% free live class where you can get guidance, ask questions, and learn a new skill in real time! Check out one of my weekly webinars to learn about lettering, watercoloring, bullet journaling, and more! You can get real hands-on experience with a new hobby and chat with other passionate folks while I answer your questions and walk you through some of my favorite subjects. No risk, no commitment, no worries – just show up, learn, and have a great time without spending a dime! See what classes are coming up and register for an amazing live experience here. Pin This Article For Later 3.1K shares Pin it

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