25 Best Books For Men About Self Improvement and Self Awareness

Best Books For Men About Self Improvement In Life and Career.

Amazing books for men that will help you become the man you were meant to be.

Sometimes life as a man isn’t easy.

We try to have traits that appeal to those we want to attract.

We try our best to:

look good

be funny



If none of the above, we try to project our success, show our good pedigree, smarts, and sexual abilities.

Most men have a combination of these traits in their arsenal to illustrate their sociability and confidence.

These twenty-five books illustrate the insight to be the man I think I am.

They will also help you discover who you want to be, what is holding you back, and help you create a path forward.

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Best Books For Men About Self Improvement

Using a simple parable, Who Moved My Cheese? explores how to handle change so that you enjoy less stress and more success in your work and your life.

The book seeks to help the reader discover how to embrace change to positively impact all aspects of life.

You will also enjoy our article on best inspirational books.

This book will help you know your purpose so you can focus, simplify your life, increase your motivation, and prepare for eternity.

It seeks to help the reader find answers to three of life’s most important questions:

Why am I alive?

Does my life matter?

What on earth am I here for?

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In The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explores why habits exist and how they can be changed.

Consider this book if you want to discover how you can change your life by changing your habits.

You will also enjoy our article on inspirational books.

This book is an essential guide for setting boundaries in today’s digital age.

The author shows you how to set healthy boundaries with your spouse, children, friends, coworkers, and even with yourself.

You will also enjoy our article on best motivational books.

In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy suggests practical techniques to change your destiny using the power of your conscious and subconscious minds.

You will also enjoy our article on books that will change your life 2.

In The Mask of Masculinity, Lewis Howes teaches men about self-discovery and how to tear those masks that keep them from living their life and authentically connecting with others.

You will also enjoy our article on inspirational short novels should be on your book list.

In this New York Times Bestseller, superstar blogger Mark Manson cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be “positive” all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.

He argues that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade but on learning to stomach lemons better.

You will also enjoy our article on books that will change your life.

Best books for men

Make Your Bed is based on the incredible graduation speech on May 17, 2014, by Admiral William H. McRaven to the University of Texas graduating class at Austin on their Commencement day.

The author recounts tales from his own life and from those of people he encountered during his military service who dealt with hardship and made tough decisions with determination, compassion, honor, and courage.

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In You Are a Badass, bestselling author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, helps you identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want.

The book will help you understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can’t change and how to change what you don’t love.

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Unfu*k Yourself is a refreshing, no BS, self-empowerment guide that offers an honest and no-nonsense approach to help you move past self-imposed limitations.

A great book for anyone feeling like a f*ck up.

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The Untethered Soul, seeks to help the reader free themselves from limitations and soar beyond their boundaries.

It aims to help you find inner peace and serenity to have more meaningful relationships with yourself and the world around you.

You will also enjoy our article on best self help books.

In this book, John Maxwell teaches you what it takes to reach your potential.

He explores the tried-and-true principles that can help you achieve personal growth.

You will also enjoy our article on books for leaders.

In this classic, Tony Robbins explains how your mind, body, and spiritual states should all be united and conditioned regularly.

Condition yourself, develop a system to face adversity, and continuously work on improving yourself.

Best Books For Men

In this book, Super Bowl-winning former head coach Tony Dungy reflects on living an “uncommon life” of integrity, honoring your family and friends, and creating a life of real significance and impact.

In Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl describes life in the Nazi death camps and the spiritual lessons we can derive.

It is based on his experience in the concentration camps and the experience of others he treated later in his practice.

As much as I hate to admit it, The 1983 Movie “Scarface” made a huge impression on me.

In it, Tony Montana (Al Pacino) states the steps for success in America.

“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

48 Laws of Power will prepare you for the challenge ahead.

Also, read these 48 Laws of Power quotes that will lead you to success.

My day begins by meditating at 4:15 am, from 22 minutes to 70 minutes.

This allows me to connect internally, be grateful, forgive all and myself, visualize my perfect future, and see myself today doing things to reach my perfect future and blessings.

Meditation on first philosophy by Rene Descartes is an ideal blueprint for testing your intellectual boundaries.

This is clear by Descartes’s quote, “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.”

The utilitarian in me gravitates to Walden to help heighten my awareness of things I have to be grateful for.

Disconnect from a world of so many distractions and embrace the now!

Living in the 1970s & 80s in The Bronx, New York, I grew up a Latino male witnessing a fair share of hardship stories regarding people making ends meet.

Being egocentric back then, I felt only those around me and myself had it tough while the rest of the world had it easy.

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair illustrates the universal struggle and made me more receptive to people of different ethnicities outside my own.

Best Books For Men About Life and Love

Despite going to college for 4 years for business, reading scores of business journal subscriptions, and being an avid reader of HBR (Harvard Business Review) papers, my mother gave me the best advice I’ve ever received.

She said, “if you can learn from your own mistakes, good; if you can learn from the mistakes of others, better!”

The Prince by Machiavelli offers a buffet of lessons through the mistakes of others.

Read Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers if you think outside the box and seek comfort through explanation.

Best books for men to make you better

We wear many hats and play many roles in our life’s journey.

I try to read Siddhartha once a year to gauge if my life aligns with the person I want to be.

If you want to know where the author of “The Secret” got his inspiration, read The Master Key System.

Once you realize “we are spirits with bodies, not bodies with spirits, you’ll be able to be what you will to be.”

I highly recommend reading The Alchemist to anyone not happy with their profession.

Arm yourself with the knowledge and confidence to chase your dream without a safety net.

It’s all in the title!

See yourself as a kid playing with another boy and a girl.

The three of you grow up as friends, and despite your friend’s shortcomings, 15 years later, they fall in love and get married.

In time (with your love and support from the sidelines), your two friends start a family and navigate parenting with the best intentions through trial and error.

This imagined couple is how I view my parents when we disagree.

In moments like these, I listen to my Manual For Living audiobook to help me self reflex and continue being the good son.

Which one of these best books for men will you read next?

We hope the books above will help you create your own life plan and do the things needed to improve your life.

Keep learning and growing to accomplish your goals and improve your life.

(And here are the best blogs for men for additional reading.)

Which one of these best books for men will you read next?

What other books for men should we add to the list?

Tell us in the comment section below.

Find other best selling books for men here!

7 of the Best Self Improvement Books to Read

One of the largest sections of any book store (even if e-books on Amazon is your chosen book store) is that on “self-help.”

In it, a browser/shopper can find colorful covers, great catchy titles, and front-cover phrases that will tell you that you can change your life with this one book purchase. So, in your quest to motivate and improve yourself, you purchase book after book.

Some are long and really non-engaging; others are too impractical for you; still others have great ideas and theories but no practical suggestions that you can implement right now.

Even when you find a great one – short, to the point, full of really meaningful information that speaks directly to you and your current situation, you finish it and go on to look for the next one.

Here is a novel idea: How about going back to that one that held real meaning for you and sticking with it for a while?

If you keep buying book after book, you will just scatter your thinking and will never settle in on substantive practice that will improve who you are and what you do.

With that in mind, I have selected 7 self improvement books that are rather diverse but that all meet my two criteria for such a work:

They are short, or they have, within the longer page counts, great stories and examples that will hold interest. The advice is realistic and practical – things that can be implemented by the average person right now

The 7 Best Self Improvement Books to Read

If one of these “strikes a chord” with you, purchase it. Read it all the way through. If it really speaks to you, then go back to the beginning. Read each chapter, implement the suggestions for change, and get those “cemented” before you move on to the next chapter.

This is the only way that a self-improvement/motivational book will ever really change your life.

1. Who Moved My Cheese? – by Spencer Johnson

No will disagree with Johnson on his major thesis and premise – change is coming more quickly than any of could possibly have imagined, and it wreaking havoc in the lives of many of us.

Our lack of ability to adjust to change and to “roll” with it causes failure, stress, and unhappiness.

The book is a parable of mice and little people, with the cheese symbolizing our aspirations, goals, environments, work life, etc. that continue to be moved (changed) too quickly for us to successfully adapt.

Through this tale, good lessons are taught about how we can respond to change and its inevitability in successful ways. For example, there are ways that you can anticipate change, to pick up on the clues, and to prepare for it, if you have the right tools.

This is a great short read with some lessons to be learned.

2. You Can Win – by Shiv Khera

While this book was written 17 years ago, the principles are the same. It’s all about self-confidence, says Khera, and the person with self-confidence can achieve all that she wishes.

This book has 7 carefully explained steps toward gaining self-confidence, and he includes lots of practical tools and exercises for mastering each of these steps.

Weaknesses can be turned into strengths; and anyone can become a “winner” by doing things differently and by doing the “right things for the right reasons.” There are lots of great anecdotes to show examples of what he means, and these make the book both compelling and engaging.

3. The Power of Intention – by Wayne Dyer

The most famous quote from this book is, “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change.” But the book is far more than just catchy quotes.

For those on a non-traditional spiritual journey to find meaning and success, this book is a great read.

Intention, to Dyer, is an energy force that exists for all of us to tap into. Once we do, we are “connected,” and only great things can follow. There are 7 “faces” of intention, and each is explained in detail with real-life illustrations. But he does not stop there.

The reader will find very concrete exercises to tap into intention and, in so doing, improve his personal/spiritual life and, as well, become highly successful.

4. The Power of Positive Thinking – by Norman Vincent Peale

This book is not a quick short read. And for those who have a more secular approach to life, the permeation of religion throughout the work may be a “turn off.”

However, if you can put that aside and focus on the “truths” of positive thinking, and following the exercises to eliminate all negative thinking in your life, this book has a great deal to offer. It’s really all about transforming your thoughts and attitudes.

If you are depressed, feeling like a failure, or have determined that you are a victim of “circumstances,” there are specific mental methods for getting out of these destructive thought patterns and learning to love the life you have, by being grateful for what you do have.

Writing a list of your blessings to read to yourself each day is just one of many critical suggestions. As you change your thought, so will you change your life, is the overriding thesis of this book.

5. The Butterfly Effect – by Andy Andrews

What if you had never been born?

This is the question Andrews asks of his readers.

How many lives have you impacted in ways you may never fully know?

The impetus for this book was a theory of a meteorologist in the 60’s that went something like this: when a butterfly flaps its wings, it moves air molecules. Those molecules then move other molecules and, ultimately, entire weather patterns/fronts are created.

While he was ridiculed by his colleagues at the time, modern physicists do now accept his theory. What Andrews has done is simply translate that theory to human existence.

His thesis is that everything you do matters – it matters to someone even if you do not know that it does.

For those who may believe that their lives are of no consequence, this will truly change that pattern of thinking! This is one of the great self improvement books for every personal development enthusiast.

6. 7 Habits of Highly Successful People – by Steven Covey

Yes there are actually 7 habits that all successful people have, and the point of this book is to identify them and to provide the readers with concrete means to develop those habits themselves.

To develop the habits, however, Covey explains that we must all become interdependent people, rather than dependent or independent.

Once the reader understands the concept of interdependence, they’re ready to begin to develop the habits, one by one – habit that result in both personal and professional success.

This book may a bit “dryer” than the others, but it is full of practical steps to take.

7. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – by Dr. Richard Carlson

The thesis that Carlson presents is that most of us get “caught up” in the small things of life – how our food is cooked, whether the dry cleaners did a good job on our clothes, whether we missed our favorite TV show, or were “slighted” in some way by a co-worker.

We let these things consume so much of our daily lives that we lose focus and the ability to prioritize. The important stuff gets left to “chance” and to “luck,” rather than being the focus of our planning and energy.

Carlson provides very specific and sometimes pretty small changes that we can make in our daily lives that will allow us to “see” the larger picture and to place our energies on it.


Who Ate My Cheese? – by Spencer Johnson You Can Win – by Shiv Khera The Power of Intention – by Wayne Dyer The Power of Positive Thinking – by Norman Vincent Peale The Butterfly Effect – by Andy Andrews 7 Habits of Highly Successful People – by Steven Covey Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – by Dr. Richard Carlson

Thanks for checking out this awesome list of self improvement books. If you’re interested in personal development, then definitely check these out using the links in each title, and see for yourselves.

If you enjoyed this article, then check out this one for another 5 great self development books to read.

Are there any other self improvement books you’d like to add to this list? Leave a comment below.

Top 5 Self-Development Books That Will Change Your Life Forever

There is no doubt that reading is one of the most important activities you can do for your growth. Moreover, some people believe that reading one book every month can help you achieve anything you want in life. Discover a list of the five best self-development books that will help you achieve success in everything you do.

Are you looking for a way to improve your life? The top five famous self-development books offer unique and innovative approaches to personal growth that have helped millions of people.

They will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to live a fulfilling and successful life, regardless of your current situation. They will also teach you how to set goals, solve problems, connect with others, and develop the skills required for success.

Which Book Should I Read First for Self-Improvement?

There are a lot of great self-development books out there. Moreover, it can be hard to decide which one to start with. Lucky for you, one has compiled a list of the five best self-improvement books that will change your life forever.

1. “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho

It is a self-development book that was written by Paulo Coelho. It tells the story of Santiago, a young man who travels to Egypt looking for a way to improve his life.

Along the way, he meets many interesting characters and learns about many aspects of life. One of the most important things that Santiago learns is that true happiness comes from within, not from things or people outside of our control.

By following these principles, Santiago overcomes many obstacles and achieves great success. Though the book is only 150 pages long, it packs a lot of wisdom into its short pages.

2. “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero

If you are looking for a book that will change your life for the better, then “You Are a Badass” is a perfect choice. Written by Jen Sincero, this book teaches you how to overcome any obstacle in your way and become the person you have always wanted to be.

For example, if you have always wanted to be a writer but lacked the courage to start, this book will provide you with valuable insights to help you pursue your dream. If you are unsure about the quality of your writing, visit Best Essays Education for professional advice.

The book is divided into five sections, each of which focuses on different areas of your life: mental toughness, communication skills, self-awareness, inner beauty, and personal power.

This best-seller is all about transforming your negative self-image into a positive one. It teaches you how to stop wasting time beating yourself up and instead start focusing on the things that make you happy.

It also provides advice on how to deal with difficult situations and how to become more successful in your career. So, whether you are struggling with relationships or dealing with anxiety or depression, “You Are a Badass” has something to offer everyone.

This book will be especially helpful to writers suffering from blank page syndrome. It will give you valuable insights and a boost of inspiration. You can also get writing assistance from Trust My Paper’s essay reviews website.

3. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

For over sixty years, Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” has been a perennial best-seller. It is considered to be one of the most successful self-development books of all time.

Written in 1937, this book is a classic that has been read and studied by countless people over the years. It covers everything from how to make yourself likable to how to deal with difficult people.

Not only that, but it also offers valuable advice on how to create successful relationships – both personal and professional – and influence people in positive ways. The book is split into three parts:

The first part of the book discusses the principles of human nature and how to use them to your advantage;

The second part covers the art of conversation and how to create meaningful connections with others;

The third part covers the stage of the relationship: building intimacy, trust, and commitment.

If you are looking for tips on how to improve your social skills, or how to become more persuasive, then this book is a must-read. It will help you achieve your goals in life much faster than if you attempted to do them on your own.

4. “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle

If you are looking for a book that will change your life for the better, then you should read “The Power of Now.” It is based on the idea that all pain and suffering are caused by thoughts.

By learning to let go of your negative thoughts and focus on the present moment, you can finally break free from pain and misery. It may be a difficult task, but by implementing the techniques outlined in this book, you will be able to live a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

“The Power of Now” is not only about self-improvement. It is a guide for combating anxiety, depression, and other issues related to mental health.

It has already helped millions of people to achieve peace, happiness, and self-confidence. If you are ready to take your life to the next level, then this book is your best bet.

5. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

If you are looking for tips on how to achieve success in any area of your life, then “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covet is worth reading. It is a guidebook that contains practical advice on how to become more successful in your personal and professional life.

One of the most important habits that Covey recommends is developing a sense of urgency and developing a positive attitude. It means understanding the importance of doing things now, even if they do not seem urgent at first.

This technique will help you stay focused and prioritize your actions, which will lead to success. The book teaches you how to make decisions based on what is best for you rather than what other people think or say, and how to set goals and achieve them even when things get tough.

Other key habits include setting goals, acting, and monitoring your progress. By setting goals and working towards them consistently, you will be able to achieve amazing things, both professionally and personally.

And finally, by being disciplined in your approach to monitoring your progress, you will be able to stay on track no matter what obstacles may arise along the way. Overall, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their life in any way possible.


The books above are some of the best-sellers on the market today. With the right mindset and enough time, you can get great results from these books.

While some books may have limited information, they can bring profound changes in your life if used correctly. The key is learning how to apply what you learned and being patient enough while reading each book. Practice makes perfect!

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